Our web site is a public resource of general information, and is intended, but not promised or guaranteed, to be correct, complete and up-to-date. It is not intended to be a source of advertising, solicitation, or legal advice. You should not consider this information to be an invitation for an attorney-client relationship and should not rely on the information provided.  If you are a client of the firm, the Web site should not be construed as basis of work that will be performed for you.  You should always seek the advice of competent counsel in your state or jurisdiction. We are a Washington State law firm with offices located in Washington State only. Our attorneys are licensed to practice only in those states indicated on the individual attorney profiles located throughout our site.

While links may be provided to other sites, neither Adams & Duncan, Inc., P.S. nor any related party, controls or endorses the content of third-party web sites. We do not intend links on our web site to be referrals. We do not wish to represent anyone who is in a state where this site is not in compliance with laws or regulations.



This web site is the exclusive property of Adams & Duncan, Inc., P.S.. Images, materials, software, and information may not be copied, downloaded or reproduced for commercial purposes without our express written permission.  Adams & Duncan is a Professional Service Corporation with the full name Adams & Duncan, Inc., P.S. qualified in Washington State.